Wednesday, August 13, 2008

oh kids...

So apparently the new thing for the youth football league is getting your number shaved in the back of your head. I was confronted by a few youngsters with this challenge yesterday and today. I prevailed pretty good even though I had never done such a thing. I can remember seeing this done back in the late 80's, but never thought it would be back in style again. So of course the first one that I did was the hardest number that you could do. 35. too much curvature and lack of experience made it a little difficult. But I did a pretty kicking job and even put a little line design underneath. The one that I did today was quite easier a 77. great straight lines and he wanted it big enough that I used the width of the clipper. Unfortunately I only have a pic on my cell phone as my camera wasen't working at the shop. Oh boy so I should probably brush up on some of this as I may have more of them soon!! Oh well youtube here I come.

1 comment:

The Purple Pinkie said...

Wait until the Mommies come in wanting their kiddies number carved into their Fun Betty's! Now THAT is YouTube material!